The Lion Fish

Lion Fish

Our second dive was on Feb. 19th, 2009. This time we started our dive to the right side to see what it's like. We reched a depth of 25 meters and dive time was 45 minutes. Visibility was better this time, about 15 meters. That is still not perfect for the Philippines where visibilityunder water can be 30 meters and more. Once again I was surprised how nice and varied the reef is. There are huge fields of antler corals, fan corals and plenty of feather star sitting on them. Fishes in this area are not so big but there is a lot of small swarm fish. The biggest fish I ever saw in the Philippines was a small shark on Cabilao Island a few years ago.
The most interesting this time were some Lion Fish, see the photo above. My wife found the one on the picture first and then we discovered some more in the same area of the reef.
Here are some more pictures from this dive:

Wife behind one of the huge fan corals here!

Feather Star sitting on a fan coral



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